ashley shin

Hi!! I’m a first year PhD student at UC San Diego, advised by Julian McAuley. I’m currently working on generative retrieval and recommendation, including LLMs and other transformer-based models for sequential recommendation. In the past, I’ve worked on biomedical document retrieval, primarily using dense retrievers and text embedding models, in addition to reranking and document similarity. My interests include information retrieval, recommender systems, embedding models, representation learning, scholarly document processing, biomedical NLP, AI for healthcare, machine learning, ethics, HCI. I’m funded by a NSF CS graduate research fellowship.

feel free to reach me at ashleyhshin at gmail dot com :)


Harnessing PubMed User Query Logs for Post Hoc Explanations of Recommended Similar Articles. Ashley Shin, Qiao Jin, James Anibal, and Zhiyong Lu. Preprint, under review 2024.

Multi-stage Literature Retrieval System Trained by PubMed Search Logs for Biomedical Question Answering. Ashley Shin, Qiao Jin, and Zhiyong Lu. CLEF (BioASQ workshop) 2023.

LADER: Log-Augmented DEnse Retrieval for Biomedical Literature Search. Qiao Jin, Ashley Shin, Zhiyong Lu. ACM SIGIR (The 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval) 2023.